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Mémoire et personne
ISBN: 2130434533 9782130434535 Year: 1993 Volume: vol *26 Publisher: Paris Presses Universitaires de France

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De kracht van positief denken.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9060578317 Year: 1993 Publisher: Amsterdam Omega

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Aan de hand van voorbeelden en praktische ervaringen vindt ook u de weg naar postief denken.

Memory : phenomena, experiment and theory
ISBN: 0631157123 0631157115 Year: 1993 Publisher: Oxford Blackwell

Ars memorativa : zur kulturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung der Gedächtniskunst 1400-1750
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3484365153 Year: 1993 Publisher: Tübingen Niemeyer

Hoe computers werken
ISBN: 902293814X Year: 1993 Publisher: Utrecht Bruna

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Memory in everyday life
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0444889973 9786611789565 1281789569 0080867545 9780080867540 9781281789563 6611789561 9780444889973 Year: 1993 Publisher: Amsterdam North-Holland

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The last decade has seen a major growth in research on how memory is used in everyday life. This volume represents a reaction to traditional laboratory-bound studies of the first half of the century which sought to identify the fundamental principles of learning and memory through the use of materials and methods totally divorced from the real world. The new wave of memory research has had considerable success in charting how memory develops, the role it plays in educational and social skills and the impact of memory impairment on mental life. The current volume consists of authoritative revie

Onderwijspsychologie: beïnvloeding, verloop en resultaten van leerprocessen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9051892268 Year: 1993 Publisher: Utrecht Lemma

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Cognitive psychology --- Educational psychology --- onderwijspsychologie --- #GSDBP --- #PEDA *015.3 --- #PEDA *015.35 --- #PEDA *1.26 --- #PEDA *1.3 --- #PEDA *2.85 --- #PEDA *2.851 --- #PEDA *2.881 --- Apprentissage Leerproces --- Didactique Didactiek --- Enseignement Onderwijs --- Motivation (formation) Motivatie (opleiding) --- Psychologie Psychologie --- #KVHB:Leerprocessen --- #KVHB:Onderwijspsychologie --- 419.3 --- leerpsychologie --- pedagogische psychologie --- psychologie --- 415.4 --- Aanvankelijk lezen --- Associatie --- Begrijpend lezen --- Behaviorisme --- Beoordelen --- Bruneriaanse theoriën --- Cognitieve ontwikkeling --- Cognitivisme --- Conditionering --- Denkprocessen --- Geheugen --- Geheugenonderzoeken --- Handelingspsychologie --- Hoogbegaafdheid --- Instructies --- Intelligentietests --- Kortetermijngeheugen --- Leerintenties --- Leerprocessen --- Leerresultaten --- Leertaken --- Leesproblemen --- Leesprocessen --- Leraarsgedrag --- Leren --- Motivatietheoriën --- Piaget --- Studerend lezen --- Testleer --- Transferstudies --- Vergeten --- Wiskundeonderwijs --- Zwakbegaafdheid --- Begaafdheid --- Bruner --- Leerling-motivatie --- Leerlingkenmerken --- Leerproces --- Leren-voorkennis --- Onderwijspsychologie --- Testjens --- 415.4 ) HOGERE GEESTELIJKE FUNCTIES --- aanvankelijk lezen --- begaafdheid --- begrijpend lezen --- beoordelingsinstrumenten --- cognitieve ontwikkeling --- emoties --- exacte vakken --- geheugen --- leer- en denkprocessen wiskundeonderwijs --- leerprocessen --- leren --- motivatie --- onderwijspsychologie (ler) --- studerend lezen --- testleer --- transfer --- Pedagogische psychologie --- Education --- Psychology, Educational --- Psychology --- Child psychology --- pedagogische psychologie, onderwijspsychologie --- Hogere geestelijke functies --- Pedagogische psychologie - Onderwijspsychologie --- (zie ook: interactief leren) --- Educational psychology. --- Pedagogische psychologie.

Studiemotivatie : theorie voor de praktijk op school en thuis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9061865530 Year: 1993 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers Leuven

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Dit boek wil algemene begrippenkaders aanreiken, waarmee men concrete motivationele problemen kan confronteren. Deze begrippenkaders of theorieën heeft men nodig om motivationele processen of fenomenen in de klas, op school en in de studeerkamer te begrijpen. Ze bieden tevens mogelijkheden om de problemen op te lossen of, nog beter, om ze te voorkomen.

Human memory : a multimodal approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0889371164 9780889371163 Year: 1993 Publisher: Seattle ; Toronto ; Göttingen Hogrefe & Huber Publishers

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Activité motrice --- Adresse --- Agility --- Agilité --- Aptitude motrice --- Coordinatie van de spieren --- Coordination musculaire --- Dexterity --- Dextérité --- Fonction motrice --- Forgetfulness --- Geheugen --- Habilité manuelle --- Habitité motrice --- Handig --- Handigheid --- Handigheid in de handenarbeid --- Human information processing --- Informatiestroom--Verwerking door de mens --- Information [Traitement de l'] chez l'homme --- Manual dexterity --- Manual skill --- Memory --- Mental representation --- Mentale voorstelling --- Mentalisation --- Motor ability --- Motor dexterity --- Motor skill --- Motorische bekwaamheid --- Motorische handigheid --- Motricité --- Muscular coordination --- Mémoire --- Optics [Psychological ] --- Oubli --- Perceptie [Visuele ] --- Perception [Visual ] --- Perception visuelle --- Psychomotricité --- Representation [Mental ] --- Représentation (Psychologie) --- Représentation mentale --- Retention (Psychology) --- Traitement de l'information chez l'homme --- Vergeten --- Vision--Psychological aspects --- Visual perception --- Visuele perceptie --- Visuele waarneming --- Voorstelling [Mentale ] --- Waarneming [Visuele ] --- Coordination, Muscular --- Motor control (Physiology) --- Motor skills --- Mechanical ability --- Motor activity. --- Geheugen en aandacht. --- Visual Perception --- Human information processing. --- Memory. --- Mental representation. --- Motor ability. --- Visual perception. --- Visual Perception. --- Experimentele psychologie --- Information processing, Human --- Skills, Motor --- Optics, Psychological --- Vision --- Representation, Mental --- Psychological aspects --- Perception --- Visual discrimination --- Ability --- Movement, Psychology of --- Kinesiology --- Abstraction --- Intellect --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Comprehension --- Executive functions (Neuropsychology) --- Mnemonics --- Perseveration (Psychology) --- Reproduction (Psychology) --- Bionics --- Information theory in psychology

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